Friday, December 15, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Timmy the Photographer

Timmy has been having the MOST fun with our new digi camera...he takes all kinds of pics...dogs, cats, plants, his trucks, his music cd's, his drums, things he sees such as chairs, tables, etc. It's fascinating to see how he views life. It's very different than the photos I take! lol So here's a small collection of his self-portraits....
Friday, November 03, 2006
Photos November

We are preparing for the upcoming nuptials! Nuptuals? How DO you spell that awful word?
At any rate, after all the back and forth working it out, we've decided that November 17th is a great date to begin our married life together. And I'm so excited!!! I've got alot to do, and really don't have any business being online right now, really! lol But I thought I'd upload these pics so that you can share with us in our joy and happiness, even if you CAN'T help me get everything done! Ugh...Still working on my dress! Yikes. As SOON as I get it to a point of trying on, I'll post again. Love to all! Becca
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm not sure today if I even like living in Texas. I realize that is heresy to some, but go outside, and you'll understand. It's October! And it's nearly 90*F here, with humidity in the range of 75-80%. Can't breathe, certainly can't work outside! It's 59*F in Maine today.....
I'm ready to go mow, like Allie said, after the good rains we had! Well, I understand that a cold front will be pushing through tonight, and maybe tomorrow will be decent. Tomorrow I will be at a client's home by 9am, cleaning my little heart out till 'bout noon. For $75, can't beat it. Then on to Vicki's to do the same, for less than half. But I told her she's my "charity case" so it's ok by me. lol
THEN maybe I can get some more work done on my new picket fence! Harold and Timmy set three sections in yesterday, so it is looking good out there! I will have to shore up the fenceline at the bottom, and hope that the dogs won't decide to burrow out, when we eventually get it all done. Any ideas on preventing that?
That top pic is by's Sammy loving on the sliding glass door. lol
love you all! Becca
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Raining on Sunday
One of my favorite country music singers (currently) is Keith Urban, and today's weather reminds me of his song, titled above.
We were GOING to paint the remaining fence sections today, and screw them to the landscape timbers, drop them in the ground and have a new area for the dogs to run and play and BARK, but it IS raining. I have no get-up-and-go, cuz it got-up-and-went yesterday.
I painted a lot yesterday while Harold (and Tim) went to Galveston to make a delivery, and was entertained by the neighbor kid's antics for hours. During that time I baked 3 cakes (which James Jr. later called the Neopolitan Cake) one each for Calvin, James and Jenny's belated b'days, and cleaned house a little.
I could NOT make those children go away! Not MY children; we had a GREAT visit...I mean the neighbor kids. They are 6, 8 and 8.5, and obnoxious in their attention seeking. To get them to leave we had to have a tea party on the front porch with cake, after which I told them if they didn't leave, I'd never invite them back again. Their grandpa, sitting on their front porch called out "I'm fixin' to cut me a switch..." ominously...they SHOT off outtahere; amazing. Why didn't I think of that?!
Now, MY children; oh what PRECIOUS children! We had a blast. Jenny Rebecca's hair is nearly down to her waist, and straight as a board. Dark blonde. Calvin Michael is becoming quite the little shutter bug...I have more than one picture of the crows surrounding Sonic to prove it. My battery on the digital camera bit the grit. And Jamesie is quite the little man. He is very mature for his age, which concerns me a tad, because I think children should be children. All three of them are wonderful and amazing and precious. I thank God for James' softened heart towards allowing me to visit with them.
Well, with the rain, this is most definitely nap weather, so I will sign off with a to all! Rebecca
We were GOING to paint the remaining fence sections today, and screw them to the landscape timbers, drop them in the ground and have a new area for the dogs to run and play and BARK, but it IS raining. I have no get-up-and-go, cuz it got-up-and-went yesterday.
I painted a lot yesterday while Harold (and Tim) went to Galveston to make a delivery, and was entertained by the neighbor kid's antics for hours. During that time I baked 3 cakes (which James Jr. later called the Neopolitan Cake) one each for Calvin, James and Jenny's belated b'days, and cleaned house a little.
I could NOT make those children go away! Not MY children; we had a GREAT visit...I mean the neighbor kids. They are 6, 8 and 8.5, and obnoxious in their attention seeking. To get them to leave we had to have a tea party on the front porch with cake, after which I told them if they didn't leave, I'd never invite them back again. Their grandpa, sitting on their front porch called out "I'm fixin' to cut me a switch..." ominously...they SHOT off outtahere; amazing. Why didn't I think of that?!
Now, MY children; oh what PRECIOUS children! We had a blast. Jenny Rebecca's hair is nearly down to her waist, and straight as a board. Dark blonde. Calvin Michael is becoming quite the little shutter bug...I have more than one picture of the crows surrounding Sonic to prove it. My battery on the digital camera bit the grit. And Jamesie is quite the little man. He is very mature for his age, which concerns me a tad, because I think children should be children. All three of them are wonderful and amazing and precious. I thank God for James' softened heart towards allowing me to visit with them.
Well, with the rain, this is most definitely nap weather, so I will sign off with a to all! Rebecca